Thursday, December 17, 2009

Some stuff from yesterday.

I went to go check out the L'effleur des sens show again for like the fiftieth time. My roommate (Chef "Unkle" Louie from Bar Marmont in hollywood) knows some of the dancers. Him and I had gone to that show in 2006, but we didn't know anyone then, we just thought the show was the best thing ever since sliced bread! After the show we went to Gallery 1988 to check out the last few seconds of that "LOST" group show. then we went around taking pics of the graffiti on melrose's back alleys. There, I found a metal thingy with lots of stickers on it. (I took it with me) :)
All that art inspired me, though really really tired, i cranked out these lil sketches.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

damn joe the sketch on top is amazing!!!!!sweet jeebus